A downloadable game for Windows

You're going down that Dungeon Crawler hole yet again, into the depths of an ancient ruined temple. What horrors will you discover this time? When will you learn?

NOTE: There is a showstopping bug about 5-10 minutes in. As soon as you see a rat, don't go into combat mode. Press the Pause/Break key on your keyboard to unlock Debug Mode, and then CTRL-Left Click on the rat to kill it instantly before it animates with root motion (!!!) and disappears backwards through the wall, never to be seen again and blocking you from completing the game.


Classic WASD movement, QE to rotate left and right.

Middle Mouse Wheel also moves forward and back.

Free look using the RMB. Access the inventory using 'I'.

To climb and descend ladders simply move forward onto the ladder.

Click into combat when the 'Crossed Swords' icon appears over an enemy.

We attempted to create a real-time version of the old Lost Worlds/Ace of Aces books, where you can select a certain attack and depending on your opponents attack the outcome could be different. Here you have a choice of attacks, depending on whether you have fists, just a single handed weapon, or a weapon and shield. Ideally you should time your attacks based on the what the enemy is doing at the time and how it has left itself exposed it its attack.

Clicking on the enemy in combat mode selects a random attack but you can select specific attacks using the number keys (1-9) (We ran out time to display the buttons and the actions in the UI (We hate Unity UI). We then use the physics engine to determine what hit what. A sword on sword is a parry, sword on shield is a block, etc.


CosmicCrypt-Windows.zip 385 MB


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nice concept Rebe! i really liked the dungeon design, feels fluid, and I love those texts reflecting the pc thoughts. helps get some context. Also controls are great, intuitive for someone with little experience with dungeon crawlers like me.
I got my ass beat by the first skeleton I didn't see the femur next to the skeleton until I backpedaled